Monday, December 31, 2012

Midnight Run

The mind is on the run as they dissect every inception of thought. The past is lingering and the future wants to be conceptualized. Past actions play repeatedly like a new reel – the conclusion is the same yet the mind never tires from screening the story from a different light, every time it plays. The future is in a hurry to be born. Both demand attention. The mind tends to shrug off the present, unaware that ‘now’ has the key that can unlock both the past and the future.

When I am at the beach, I follow a simple ritual. I take midnight runs on empty beaches. The periodic sounds of the waves make sure that neither past nor future resides in my mind. The feel of wet sand reminds me of the present and the dim moonlight shows me the path. And, when I breathe the basic truth unfolds- I am here, now!
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